Saturday, 29 August 2015

Sitecore Items Operations

In the last project I worked on I face a number of cases in which I needed to use sitecore API for different operations and I believe it will be useful to share the following operations:

1.       Add/Edit sitecore item ( different language versions )
2.       Delete/Recycle sitecore item
3.       Set sitecore Item workflow.
4.       Publish Sitecore Item ( Allow/Prevent publish).
5.       Read Item security access rights.
6.       Set sitecore item sort order.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Setup Solr Search Provider for Sitecore

In this blog we will talk about how to use solr as a search provider for sitecore search; As you know the default search provider for sitecore is Lucene.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Dictionary Items Langauge Fallback

In this blog we will discuss the language fallback within Sitecore and with language fallback we mean that if the requested item has no version on the current context language then the system should get the item in another language "Fallback Language".