Wednesday 15 May 2024

Sitecore XM Cloud :: Creating deployment unauthorized message

 I've been learning and trying XM Cloud over the last few weeks, one of the issues that I came across & worth sharing is a CLI deployment issues that need you to pay attention to details when reading documentation, through to highlight it here in case anyone else came through, following is the error message I got when trying to crate CM deployment through CLI: 

You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting, you may need to assign addition permissions.



I have been working on a task to crate an auto deployment from a private Azure DevOps repo to XM Cloud instance utilizing XMC CLI, following are the commands that I was using: 

Now, every time I was creating a deployment I was running into permission issue, but after reviewing Siteore documentation, mainly there are 3 types of credentials: 

  • Organization automation client: Grants access to the XM Cloud Deploy API and the CM instance APIs of all environments in an organization.
  • Environment automation client: Grants access to the CM instance APIs of a specific environment.
  • Edge administration client:Grants access to the Experience Edge APIs of a specific environment.

The solution was to make sure that the user I'm using has the organization automation client credentials. hope this will help someone running into the same issue with XM Cloud CLI deployment. 

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