Thursday 18 April 2024

Coveo for Sitecore :: Creating a custom toggle facet

 In a recent project I was working on, we needed to create a custom Coveo for Sitecore facet which looks like a toggle, if you know Coveo for Sitecore Hive OOTB components you probably know that OOTB we don't have such a component, so, we would need to create a custom implementation for such component, if you got excited, keep reading! 

The output result we're targeting is to have a toggle Coveo facet that looks similar to the below component, we also want to work with a custom values (not required a 0/1 true/false) so lets how I accomplished that. 

Below is a sample HTML of how you can style a checkbox input to look like a toggle component, with simple html and styling you can accomplish the look needed: 

Now all what you need to do is to use Coveo for Sitecore JS framework, utilizing Coveo events, such as after initialization event, building query query event, & clear breadcrumb Breadcrum events to achieve the desired state, you can notice below that I'm passing a Yes value to my predefined faceted field. 

Hopefully the above help you in your challenge or give you an idea how you can build your own custom Coveo component.   

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